PEACEAnimals is headquartered in Puerto Vallarta. Its free mobile spay/neuter clinics take place primarily in neighborhoods and towns in the area of Banderas Bay. Clinics operate within the city limits of Puerto Vallarta a minimum of two weeks every month. When clinics take place outside the city limits, local governments, individuals or animal activist groups are asked to pay the extra costs of gasoline and driving time to John Whitten, director of PEACEAnimals clinics.

John Whitten
Clinic Coordinator
Rules & Conditions
Volunteers needed!
Please contact the clinic coordinator John Whitten at WhatsApp +52 311 440 6758 for more details.
Clinics take place at schools, government buildings, police stations, special event locations, empty storefronts and homes. All locations are donated.
If you would like to request and/or sponsor a 4 day clinic in your community or one of your choosing please contact Shalimar Blanchard, president of the board of directors of PEACEAnimals. Sponsorship of a 4 day clinic is $3.400 USD (average of 145 animals per 4 day clinic). Exponentially, this has an enormous impact on the devastating overpopulation of cats and dogs in our area.
We can’t thank you enough for considering volunteering at a PEACEAnimals clinic. There are a variety of duties to be performed, and it will help if we know your interests and comfort level. Please contact the clinic coordinator John Whitten at WhatsApp +52 322 111 9419 for more details.
This is an overview of what type of help is needed:
REGISTRATION: helping with the registration of the animals and their owners/person responsible for dropping off and picking up the cat or dog. This will involve asking some basic questions, ensuring correct contact and medical info while filling out forms. You will be emailed more detailed information once confirmed you are volunteering, there are also recovery GUIDELINES in both English and Spanish at the clinics.
SET UP: You will be emailed more detailed information once confirmed you are volunteering, there are also recovery GUIDELINES in both English and Spanish at the clinics.
AFTER PRE-MED: Volunteer permitting please sit with the anxious dogs after they have received their pre-med until their surgery time.
RECOVERY: Animals in recovery require regular monitoring of vitals and stimulation. You will be emailed more detailed information once confirmed you are volunteering, there are also recovery GUIDELINES in both English and Spanish at the clinics.
PICK UP: When owners return for pick up make sure they are taking the correct animal (check the name and number of the pet against the name and number on the kennel and the number on the pet’s head. Be sure to give and review with them a completed certificate and care instruction form and file the registration form. Remind them that donations are encouraged!! You will be emailed more detailed information once confirmed you are volunteering, there are also recovery GUIDELINES in both English and Spanish at the clinics.
CLEAN UP: You will be emailed more detailed information once confirmed you are volunteering, there are also recovery GUIDELINES in both English and Spanish at the clinics.