We need volunteers to help register pets, carry cats and small dogs from surgery tables to recovery tables, monitor pets while under anesthesia, give pet owners sterilization certificates and post-op instructions, clean instruments and/or general clean-up.
You can do as little or as much as you like and spend as many hours as you choose. Come one day or multiple days. Clinics operate Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and 2 Sundays per month. Please contact John Whitten if you would like to volunteer, WhatsApp 322 111 9419. john@peaceanimals.org
Volunteer Guide
Thank you for helping us in the cause to end unwanted and neglected dogs and cats in the region. In order to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the clinic we ask that you please follow the guidelines below for each task. You will be assigned to fulfill one or more of the following tasks.
- In case of any doubts or questions, consult the clinic coordinator, head volunteer, or one of the veterinarians (please avoid interrupting surgery unless there is an emergency).
- Please respect all procedures and other volunteers/employees during your tenure.
- The surgical arena requires a calm and regimented atmosphere to ensure the safety of the animals and make the experience enjoyable for everyone involved.
- This is a TEAM effort and everyone needs to cooperate. Ask for help if you need it and help others if they ask for it.
- Gloves are available if you require them. They are located in the blue recovery box.
- Conserve supplies. Notify personnel if any supplies are running low or empty.
Registration/Pick up
Follow the order of arrival of pet owners for registration. Usually a list has been created by the first arrival. In case of disagreement or dispute, be fair, calm, and decisive in rectifying. Call a vet or coordinator to mediate if necessary. 2 animals maximum per person per day.
- PEACEAnimals representative must fill out the forms. Complete all fields.
- Please ensure that the pet name and number on the registration is the same as what goes on the kennel. Ensure that the pet has the same number on painter’s tape on its head.
- Confirm the correct contact information with an official identification of the owner.
- The owner must read and sign the waiver at the bottom of the form
- Place the animal in an appropriate sized kennel and affix the form to the cage securely out of reach of the animal.
- Inform the owner the time to return for their pet. Cats: 12:00-1:00 / Dogs 1:00-2:00. NO Later!
- When owners return for pick up make sure they are taking the correct animal (check the name and number of the pet against the name and number on the kennel and the number on the pet’s head. Be sure to give and review with them a completed certificate and care instruction form and file the registration form. Remind them that donations are encouraged!!
- Scrub with brush and rinse breathing tubes and yellow stoppers in the tub on the recovery table. Dry, and return them to the prep area or vet assistant.
- Scrub instruments with brush and place in sterilizing solution.
- Clean poop, pee, vomit from floor or kennel. In case of an accident in kennel pre-surgery, have it cleaned or wiped out before an animal is returned post surgery to the kennel if possible.
- Clean/rinse kennels at the end of the clinic
- Sweep/mop floor of the area at the end of the clinic
- Replace soiled towels or blankets on the recovery table if necessary.
After Pre-Med
- Volunteer permitting please sit with the anxious dogs after they have received their pre-med until their surgery time.
- Animals in recovery require regular monitoring of vitals and stimulation. Cats and dogs vary in terms of their range of safe vitals and period of time to awaken and be returned to the kennel.
- Refer to the reference placards on the recovery table for safe ranges of vitals. Notify an available veterinarian or technician if an animal is out of the safe range.
- It is EXTREMELY important to keep the correct registration form with the correct animal, avoid moving them around a lot and losing track of paper and animal.
- Record the time that you are taking vitals in the correct field on the form. Vitals should be taken approximately every 10 minutes.
- Temperature: Ensure the thermometer is wiped, cleaned with alcohol, and lubricated with vaseline. Gently insert into the rectum until the metal tip is not visible. Press the button on the thermometer and release, wait until the final temperature is blinking on the display, Record the temperature in the correct field on the form. Wipe the thermometer and return to the alcohol for next use. You may take other vitals while waiting for the final reading.
- Respiration: ensure the animal is breathing within the safe range by observing the rise and fall of the diaphragm. Time the breaths using a watch or timer. Count breaths for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 for the final reading. Record the respiration in the correct field on the form.
- Heart Rate/ Pulse: Using a stethoscope, locate the heart beat which is usually found on the left of the chest near or under the armpit. It may take some exploration to find the best location depending on the breed/size of the animal. Time the pulse using a watch or timer. Count beats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 for the final reading. Record the heart rate in the correct field on the form.
- Revival: All animals need frequent stimulation with vigorous rubbing and movement. Rotate/flip animals every 10 minutes until they show signs of revival
Cats: normally wake up within 30 minutes. Stretching their limbs or paws is a sign they are conscious and more alert. If the cat does not show signs of revival within 20 minutes you may introduce a drop of honey on the tongue to stimulate them. At this point you may remove tape from eyes and remove the catheter (if present) by removing tape, pinching injection site, and gently removing catheter. Maintain pressure for 10-15 seconds until blood coagulates and does not appear. Apply 1-2 drops of Ectoline to the skin on the back of the neck only when you are ready to place the animal in the designated kennel and securely affix the form to the kennel.
Dogs: often take 10-15 minutes longer than cats depending on the size and dose of anesthesia. Blinking of the eyes with a gentle tap or any movement are signs of consciousness. At this point you may gently remove the breathing tube and remove the catheter by removing tape, pinching injection site, and gently remove catheter. Maintain pressure for 10-15 seconds until blood coagulates and does not appear. Detach the catheter from the yellow stopper with a twist and place the yellow stopper and breathing tube in the tub on the table. Dispose of the catheter. Apply 2-3 drops of Ectoline to the skin on the back of the neck only when you are ready to place the animal in the designated kennel and securely affix the form to the kennel.
Thank You Again For Your Time!!!!