How can You help?
It costs PEACEAnimals approximately $192,000 USD per year or $16,000 USD per month to hold four 4-day clinic weeks and two 1-day Sunday clinics monthly to achieve the goal of sterilizing 8000 animals in 2024. This makes the all-in cost approximately $23 – $25 USD per animal, and funds donated are dedicated solely to operating costs of free, mobile sterilization clinics for cats and dogs. PEACEAnimals keeps a weekly tally of type, sex and quantity of animals sterilized. We also keep a tally of pregnancies terminated at the owners’ request, type of animal and quantity of terminations. These numbers are published weekly to our social media accounts and monthly in our newsletters. The surgery registration forms are submitted weekly to the local government Salud office. The immediate effect is that approximately 37 cats and dogs per clinic day are sterilized, the long term is that thousands of kittens and puppies are not born into suffering on the streets. All PEACEAnimals board members, clinic hosts, and general helpers are all volunteers and receive no compensation.
We are very appreciative of any amount of donation but would like to offer as an example that you were to donate $100 USD it would cover 4 cats and dogs being sterilized. Over the course of a year this will prevent not only dozens of unwanted litters but also increase the animal’s chances of living a longer, healthier life. Major health benefits for female cats and dogs include preventing life-threatening uterine infections, eliminating the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer, and dramatically reducing the risk of breast cancer. For male cats and dogs, neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and reduces their chances of developing prostate disease.
If you would like to sponsor one 4-day clinic, the cost is $3400 USD (average of 145 animals per 4 day clinic), and a Sunday clinic costs approximately $874 USD (average 38 animals per Sunday clinic). Exponentially, this has an enormous impact on the devastating overpopulation of cats and dogs in our area. The increase in cost over the past year is a result of increased cost of medicine, employee costs and supplies as well as inflation and volatility of the US dollar. This cost includes salaries, taxes and benefits, medical, surgical and clinic supplies, trailer and vehicle maintenance and associated costs of running the organization (newsletters, website, accountants, legal, etc.).
PEACEAnimals is a registered Mexican AC (non-profit) and has 501 (c) (3) status in the U.S. under the umbrella of Banderas Bay Charities, Inc. All USA donations made to Banderas Bay Charities, Inc. are tax deductible in the USA, with funding then wired to the PEACEAnimals Mexican bank account. Mexican tax credit also available directly through PEACEAnimals. All donations large and small add up and have an enormous impact on the cat and dog overpopulation problem in the Banderas bay area.
Other Ways You can Help
Donate lunches, vet and pet supplies
LUNCHES are needed for the vet team. Please consider donating lunches. Contact John Whitten, WhatsApp 322 111 9419.
VET/PET SUPPLIES also needed. Examples: surgical gloves; syringes; catheters; gauze bandages; new or used collars and leashes; new or used pet carriers and kennels; used towels and sheets; etc.
Help by Volunteering
We need volunteers to help register pets, carry cats and small dogs from surgery tables to recovery tables, monitor pets while under anesthesia, give pet owners sterilization certificates and post-op instructions, clean instruments and/or general clean-up.
You can do as little or as much as you like and spend as many hours as you choose. Come one day or multiple days. Clinics operate Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and 2 Sundays per month. Please contact John Whitten if you would like to volunteer, WhatsApp 322 111 9419.