Tips & Advice

Signs of Overheated Dogs

As a dog’s temperature rises, blood rushes to the surfaces of the tongue, gums, and membranes to help transfer excess heat. Clear warning signs of overheating in dogs include frantic panting, extreme salivation, bright-red membranes, and labored breathing. The condition may quickly progress to a metabolic meltdown as [...]

2024-08-17T15:35:38-06:00August 17, 2024|Tips & Advice|0 Comments

Signs of Overheated Cats

The exact temperature tolerance may vary from cat to cat, depending on their lifestyle and other factors. Humidity may also contribute to overheating.  Older, overweight, or short-nosed (Persians, for example) kitties are much less heat tolerant than other cats, and therefore can overheat more quickly. The same is [...]

2024-08-17T15:32:39-06:00August 17, 2024|Tips & Advice|0 Comments

Why Spay & Neuter?

Whether you’ve recently adopted a pet or you’re considering it, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. Spaying, removing the ovaries and uterus of a female pet, is a veterinary procedure that requires minimal hospitalization and offers [...]

2024-08-21T10:41:07-06:00August 16, 2024|Tips & Advice|0 Comments
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